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Old 03-24-2008, 05:20 PM   #100
YT 1000 Club Member
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I found it frustrating when we would try to help and there would be posts from people who really should still be sitting back and taking notes.
They would post things that they thought were right etc. and not even come close to giving the correct info. I hate to see someone being told wrong.
I have been showing Yorkies since 99 and been around toy dogs/breeding all of my life. My mom bred Chihuahuas. I sat back for years listening and learning.
I always knew there was someone who knew way more than I did and I let them speak up. I still would rather see the older breeders speak up first. They have been there done that with almost everything and I still sit back and take notes too. But today we seem to have the ones who feel they have instantly become the experienced and most knowledgeable.
When I see a post where I can be of help I do try to help out.

Prestigeous Yorkies
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