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Old 03-24-2008, 04:24 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by Sugar's Mom View Post
She is laying down then sitting back up then laying back down...the only thing is that when she sits up she holds her head up for a little while then she lets it drop and then she lays down, as if she is extra tired...that is making me worried, and has anyone ever heard of a dog pushing and not seeing nothing at all no matter how many times she push, including blood or anything else??? how many times does a dog have to push before you can see anything??? She is a tiny yorkie, she was only 4 pounds the last time we checked and my boy is 6.5 pds that really worries me.

Last edited by nydia : 12-26-2006 at 12:10 AM.

Posts like this are why experienced breeders get upset and that is just one of many. i don't know if this breeding was an oops or not but a four pound female and a six and a half male? A little research would have told you that shouldn't be. hopefully, it was an oops and you have learned better now. pardon me, I saw in another one of your threads it is an oops. the thread where you were asking how many times should you let your pups nurse a day. newborn pups.

Like I said before, at the time I had Sabrina she was not suppose to get pregnant my vet and mentor wanted me to wait until she gained more weight to spay her, when I bought Sabrina it was with the intention of breeding her the breeder I brought her from said she would grow to be anywhere between 6 to 7 pounds, when she did not grow to that size I wanted to get her spayed but my vet and mentor who basically taught me everything there is to know about breeding wanted me to wait until Sabrina gained a little weight at the time I wanted to get her spayed she was only 2.5 pounds. During her heat I kept her separated from Blaine at all times with a baby gate and when they were not in the gate she was in diapers, if a dog wants to mate he/she will find a way, who knows if she got stuck with him through the baby gate all I know is she got pregnant and had it not been during the Christmas vacation I would have had my mentor with me a great man I might add instead of having to come on here to get yelled at by so called professional breeders. I did take her to the emergency where she was given a c-section and where I was going to have her spayed but thanks to one very wonderful woman on here who gave me her number after seeing all the B.S I had to listen to told me not to spay her right away to let her heal from her c-section I would have done a terrible thing because the doctors suggested I get her spayed during her c-section and because he was a doctor I was going to give him the go ahead, but thanks to an experienced breeder and wonderful person my Sabrina is just fine. Like I said had my vet not been away on vacation I would of never had to go through the stuff I went through on here, my vet breeds bull dogs for show, I wanted to do the same with yorkies and he is helping me. Another thing I might add, you can't always listen to the opinion of your vet it's best to talk to someone who has experience but where can you go when you have an issue with your pet and the only place to go is a place where you get attacked???
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