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Old 03-24-2008, 04:07 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by BamaFan121s View Post

1) Many breeders spend far more supporting their programs then they could ever hope to make back from selling a pup. Yes, they sell them, but the money is not profit, it's covering the costs they've already spent.

2) You don't see people adopting dogs or placing them for free because most breeders don't feel the need to report such specifics regarding their breedings to the general public. I know of several people who have placed pups for free for various reasons. Do you know how many people they would have beating down their door for a free dog if that every got out. It's not at all uncommon for a breeder to place a retired dog for nothing, or a pup they want to watch and possibly breed back to in the future going to someone they know. (Not saying that some probably don't make some profit, because I know they do, but that is not always the case and NOT their main reason for breeding...BIG difference there.) Why would you expect any breeder to divulge that information?

3) Competition? I'm sorry, but the people I see being discouraged from breeding are those breeding solely for profit, or those breeding without having researched, those that are putting their dogs' lives in danger, not because they are considered as competition. Many breeders have waiting lists and would breed if they didn't. So how exactly would an ill prepared aspiring breeder be posing any competition to them? I just don't understand that reasoning.
Truth is everybody at one point or another didn't know a thing about breeding, they had to learn, and you don't know a persons situation to make the assumption that they bred their dogs just for profit and my point to the whole post is how can you sit at your computer desk ridiculing someone who's pet is having babies and now they are trying to sell them? who knows what their reason is for selling pups, maybe to make profit, maybe to make the money back they have lost caring for a pregnant dog and her litter, I'm here to say I'm not one to breed for profit, nor do I sell my pups, I'm just trying to make the perfect show dog, my Blaine is perfect in agility and has won numerous trophies, Charlie is perfect in my eye's but not the right size to win in overall competition, so let me make it clear why I said what I said, alot of times the first thing I see when I read a post from someone asking for help, I see most times they are attacked and accused of breeding dogs for the wrong reason like trying to make money or whatever when the fact is when you breed your selling your puppies too. All Sabrina's babies live with me and Lucy's babies will go to my mom and my grandmother for companionship none of my babies are sold and I paid for sabrina to have a c-section. I just see what I see, don't point the finger if your doing the same thing, only difference is you've already been through the ridicule and have already learned your lesson about breeding, the person your cursing out doesn't know a thing most times. If you can't help don't say nothing at all, mind your business and keep it moving, if I can't help why put my two cents in it?
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