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Old 03-24-2008, 03:43 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by Sugar's Mom View Post
nydia, I think what Misty is saying is not that there are mean breeders on here or that people get tired of the same questions being asked over and over but that so many new wannabe breeders come on here and ask advice then when they get it, they don't take it. They just do what they want to do regardless and they don't have a clue and as far as making money, how many times have we seen some brand new breeder come on here and the first post they write is "How much should I sell my puppies for?" i think you have missed the whole point of this thread .

I was not going to post on this thread because I'm not a breeder nor do I ever intend on being one but I think you summed it up quite nicely The whole point of Misty's original post was the new breeders (and if we want this breed to continue, there will be new breeders) come on here looking for advice/suggestions/help then when it's given, they don't heed the very advice they came here for. And I'm not lumping all new breeders into this statement - those who ask and don't heed know who they are just as those who ask and take the advice to heart know who they are. As someone else said, if you're going to take the time to post your question and seek advice, be prepared for the answer you're going to get. There are some truly wonderful breeders here who are more than willing to help a novice out - some post regularly, some barely visit the board anymore (and they are missed) - just relax and listen to what they say - they've been down the road you are venturing out on and they actually do know a thing or two about the breed - and I'm guessing through mistakes they may have made on their own when they first started out or nerves/blood/sweat/tears - the point is, they FEEL your anxiety/nervousness over starting out.
Suzi - mom to Gabby and Gage
For Mickey
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