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Old 03-24-2008, 01:33 PM   #92
Sugar's Mom
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She is laying down then sitting back up then laying back down...the only thing is that when she sits up she holds her head up for a little while then she lets it drop and then she lays down, as if she is extra tired...that is making me worried, and has anyone ever heard of a dog pushing and not seeing nothing at all no matter how many times she push, including blood or anything else??? how many times does a dog have to push before you can see anything??? She is a tiny yorkie, she was only 4 pounds the last time we checked and my boy is 6.5 pds that really worries me.

Last edited by nydia : 12-26-2006 at 12:10 AM.

Posts like this are why experienced breeders get upset and that is just one of many. i don't know if this breeding was an oops or not but a four pound female and a six and a half male? A little research would have told you that shouldn't be. hopefully, it was an oops and you have learned better now. pardon me, I saw in another one of your threads it is an oops. the thread where you were asking how many times should you let your pups nurse a day. newborn pups.

Last edited by Sugar's Mom; 03-24-2008 at 01:37 PM.
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