Thread: Standard
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Old 02-29-2008, 11:51 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by cooperk View Post
OK, I have to voice my opinion here (eeeks)
Great posts, especially on the medical side of breeding. I do think AKC serves a wonderful purpose of preserving the breed, as it's very nice to purchase an AKC dog and know what you're supposed to get.

On the other side, as we keep all these non AKC purebreds from being born, a new situation has been generated. The cost of obtaining a non purebred dog for a home has gone thru the roof. It's almost impossible to find a mut puppy without paying an arm and a leg. I am a firm believer that when you have children, you should be very careful in choosing your dog. I have never wanted to bring an adult dog into our home with kids, as you never know what their temperment will be with kids (my kids are very loving with pets).

I think in the attempt to "save" dogs (and cats for that matter), rescue leagues have defeated their purpose. They have certainly pushed families towards purchasing dogs with papers...hence development of all the "other" registration organizations now.

It's not a terrible thing to breed your Yorkie who doesn't look exactly like a Yorkie (these posts were a bit hars on ya). The pups should not be sold as AKC breeders. I think there are fantatic puppies coming from homes who breed their dogs once or twice. Many times over would not be responsible for any dog owner. Why is it OK for breeders to do so? Don't they face the same problems listed? I've had fabulous "mut" pets, and I've got two fabulous AKC dogs now.

The real problem is the process of adopting a dog from a rescue league.

OK, take it easy on me ladies
Not sure, but I think I agree, LOL.

I have my own personal feelings on breeding and standards. I know that a lot of people here might say that irresponsible breeding (non standard or mixed breeding) is the reason for shelters being so full and all that, but actually that would be irresponsible pet owners. I dont think the quality of the dogs, the breed of the dog whether purebred or not, makes one iota of difference in regards to the way someone cares for it. If someone is going to neglect or abandon or get bored with an animal, I dont think it has anything to do with how well bred the dog is. The only thing that has to do with the breeding is that the person that had the litter has to take the time to place the pups in responsible homes.
I understand that if you want to purely breed only picture perfect, according to "akc standard" yorkies, and thats your right Dont blame the fact that there are wayyyyyy too many animals neglected out there on people that might breed their dog that falls short of the standard or has a mixed breed litter. Unless someone is mass producing pups just to make money and throwing them out to anyone that hands over money, I dont think you have any right to say that they are contributing to overcrowded shelters if they are acting responsibly about placing their babies.
Proud Mommy of Gavin, Ethan, Morgan, Nia, Olivia, and Kiana and baby #7! Also Mommy to furkids: Cleo ,Lola, Lilly Appletini, and Diesel. and Sunny, Ethan's Golden therapy dog in training.
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