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Old 09-24-2007, 11:39 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Ellie May View Post
LullaBelle, it sounds like a nutritionist would be able to help you. I know it can be scary to step out and cook. They would be able to give you recipes (for a LARGE fee) if you aren't comfortable using recipes from books. If you still can't bring yourself to cook, just feed the dog food that you feel is the highest quality.

Thank you!
Well I thought I was feeding her the highest quality.
Just a wee bit is a Solid Gold product for small dogs but when I saw that website it scared the daylights out of me!

I may not be rich but I am not a dolt either, I thought about a nutitionist but if canine nutionists are anything like ppl nutionists they all just tells you something different, I knew better than to ask a vet b/c I know they get commisions.( I also learned that on YT )

That is why I thougth about cooking for her but you are right it is really scarry to think that if I mess up it could hurt my baby.

My first thought when I saw this was OMGosh is this for real? My second was I bet the ppl on YT would know about this. So I posted here. You all have been great please keep the advice coming.

LullaBelle's Mommy
I love my

Last edited by LullaBelle; 09-24-2007 at 11:40 AM.
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