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Old 09-19-2007, 06:35 AM   #23
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Sugar Land Texas
Posts: 3,978
Love just list what you don't want - simple! :)

We love the GE's!! They are soooooooo much fun!! I hope they don't put any restrictions on us. I think most YT'ers have enough common sense to know what to send and what not to send. Just put in your details what you DON'T want and it will actually make it easier to shop to just get other things. There are still lots of great things out there to give. Handmade is AWESOME but so are things bought out of love. Don't complain if they get something they don't like if you didn't list it on your profile. Nothing from China will cover a boat load of items! We will just have to get more creative in our choices!!
We can't wait for the next GE!! This will be Princess' turn and she is already doing the yorkie dance just thinking about it!!
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