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Old 09-10-2007, 06:30 PM   #207
Yorkie Yakker
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Maryland
Posts: 52
Default the liquid vitamins

Cannot recall who suggested the liquid packed with a days worth of vitamins from wal mart for Emma but thank you. We mixed with some canned food and used the syringe ... she loved it to the point where we made a soupy mix in a bowl and she went to town on it! Thank you again.

Anyone have any suggestions for dry dog food that is recommended for yorkies? No matter what we would get her she loves the big / large dog performance brand that we feed our lab. She takes one piece at a time... walks it over to a rug... chomps on it till it's gone and then on to the next!

Just wondered what you all have found that they love. We don't do the doggie treat thing with livasnaps or any of that stuff... we always really watched her diet as she did have pancreatitis a while back. BUt suggestions based on your experience is most appreciated!
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