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Old 09-09-2007, 08:22 PM   #197
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I am so happy that your dad broke and there is no issue with money. That is a super thing. I am so glad that Emma did so well today. It is just so amazing when the start showing a little of their own selves again.
Just please keep in mind what your vet said. Now, she is the one you took Emma to last weekend right?? She has only seen Emma once?? You might want her to check her again. How long does she want you to keep Emma on the predisone?? That is keeping the inflamation down in her neck. Once you stop that if this is AAI it is as Babybear's surgeon told me like putting a bandaid on a broken bone it will come back and rear it's ugly head twice fold. Hmm and as I have told you that is what happend to us. Now I have a paralzyed yorkie. Do not get me wrong I love him to death and would never change a thing that I have done for him because god knows what I have given up and gone threw for him.. He is like my own child. And i do not regret a thing. But I do not want to see a post from you in a month or so saying that she can not longer walk at all and she had a seizure and stopped breathing. I have been there with Babybear and done that. I think you know me by now with all the pms and all. I am a very concerned special needs yorkie mom. And believe me 99.9 percent of us on the board are just that very concerned furparents. So please if you have the funds available think about getting more testing done or a second opinion or see a neurologist if you can. You might find she needs more care or a differant medicine. I am so happy she is getting better. So did Babybear the first few times he was acting strange holding his head and neck weird and he was put on meds. He was fine for a while then he had a very bad seizure for no reason he was barking at a cat in my yard one minute and down sezing the next then not breathing, then he was. He was taken to the vets to get meds and sent home. He was fine in a day or so and did great jumping, running, playing with his furbrother and fursister. Then one Saturday he jumped off my lap and broke his neck and died in front of me if it was not for my husband giving him mouth to mouth Babybear would be dead today. Maybe we should have let him go that day, but I had to do everything in my power to make sure he was fine. Like is said we had the surgery done to make him better 85 to 90 percent change of walking again and that was July of last year. He is still not walking, i do physical therapy, water therapy and massage therapy for Babybear every week. HE also has acupuncture once a week. This has helped stregthen him but he still can not walk. And he has two carts(wheel chairs) he hates them. I think I have told you this before. Please, make sure these doctors are doing all they can for her. You have to remember just like with your skin kids you have to be her voice. If you beleive or you want a special test done do not let them tell you no. You are paying them to do these tests.
And no I am not bashing you at all. Just some friendly suggestions here. Because I do not want to see you go through what I am or what I have gone through. That is why I am always sending you things for more information. My heart breaks to think that another furparent might have to go through this.
I am going to run for now. And you are very welcome for all the info. If it helps you that makes my day. Enjoy your little Emma she has been sent to you for a reason. Learn from her.
Val and Babybear[/url]
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