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Old 09-09-2007, 07:28 PM   #196
Yorkie Yakker
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Maryland
Posts: 52
Default Emma Update / Sunday Night


OK... WHERE OH WHERE TO BEGIN? Ok.. first things first...big hugs to all of you who have understood and supported Emma with kind words , suggestions and prayers.... i simply cannot thank you enough! Aside from that one blowup of a post i placed the other day i have been filled with gratitude from 99% of you all!

Emma has had a marvelous day.... naturally she is still in the crate most of the day but my mom came over and was loving Emma up for hours which helped her to relax a great deal. She has gone all day without an episode of the arched back and that horrible parallized look where she cannot move her neck. She ate, drank water and even barked a few times at some deer in our back yard! That dog just has no clue that she's small!! Spoke to the vet briefly and she is very VERY pleased with the progress so far. She confirmed that an MRI , while a fantastic tool for more accurate diagnosis, that she would still recommend the prednisone, anti-inflamitory meds and pain management to keep her relaxed. She also said that she knows it is difficult and seems a slow recovery but she is very hopeful that there will be futher recovery as we follow her recommended course of action.

You guys have really been a blessing and i will continue to update this thread as the days go on so you can follow the adventure of Emma's recovery!

yorkieK9trainer, Mybabe4me, kalina82, daisy mae06 & jrsygal37.... you have all been so remarkable.... I just don't know how to thank you all!
oh... and the bestest news.... Mom spoke to Dad, Dad issue solved!!!! HORRAY!!!!!!

So with cautious anticipation I look forward to tomorrow and the hope of a pup who's mood is up! Oh... one more thing.... you all have the greatest cuts for your yorkies.... is that something you do yourselves or do you have a pro do it?

more olbear hugs,

Last edited by OLBEAR; 09-09-2007 at 07:30 PM.
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