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Old 09-08-2007, 09:25 AM   #170
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Originally Posted by OLBEAR View Post
Contacted angels for animals and awaiting response.
I just want you to know that I have been in your shoes, and I never went through with the MRI. We couldn't afford it, and couldn't get approved for any assistance. But, what I asked my doctor was, what would you find out with the MRI, and what would we be doing about it? In my situation, they told us that whatever they would have found with the MRI that they would have treated it with prednezone, so that was the much cheaper route to recovery for our little one. And it took a long time to get her up on her feet again, over a week! She still has residual effects of her problem, later diagnosed as menengitis, but not for sure since we never went through with the more expensive testing. Her bark is different, she can't see very well out of one eye, and she gained quite a bit of weight from the steroids. But she thanks us every day for doing everything within our power to help. And we were patient and calm, and that was the best thing for her. I tried so hard to stay that way around her, even if it was tough, and it made all the difference in how she felt and now she feels closer and more secure with me because I was there with her the whole time. I saved my freak out time for when I wasn't with her. And I agree with you that you have to give her every chance you can because she is young! Mine was just under 2 years old. I truly believe that you are doing everything within your power, and I think your little girl knows that too. My heart is with you, and wish I could offer more help than just kind words. Everyone raises their young in different ways, and you have to know and be firm in what is best for you! Remember, God is in control, just give it up to Him! Much Love!!!

TBone Tina & Lauren
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