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Old 08-19-2007, 07:55 PM   #47
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by SladesMommy View Post
I am owned by a very very spoiled rotten pit bull.

Pits have gotten a very bad rap over the years. so much of what you see and hear about them is so sensationalized its ridiculous.

Pits were (and sometimes still are) bred to be aggressive to other dog, particularly of the same sex. It doesn't matter how you raise them, they can still end up aggressive towards other dogs. Though through training and a BUNCH of socialization you will have more of a chance of ending up with a nonaggressive dog.

pits were NOT bred to be aggressive toward humans. In fact they are one of the most loyal breeds of dogs. Pits that are aggressive towards humans are usually trained to be that way, or more often have had NO socialization or human interaction.

We have had several different dogs in and out of the house and Laney has done beautifully with all of them. I don't trust her out with anyone when I'm not at home, but that goes for ALL my dogs. I'd rather be paranoid and safe than to come home with an injured dog. The worst fight we have ever had in this house was between my mom's yorkie/chi mix and a poodle/JRT I was fostering.

I would suggest if looking for a pit bull go through a pit bull rescue that KNOws what they are talking about. If you find a good pit rescue, and there are plenty of them around, they will have had the dog long enough to know how it reacts to other dogs of various sizes, cats, kids (and most LOVE kids), etc.

I know my Laney girl prefers my smaller fosters and her little bro Slade (5lbs). She has always been able to sense them being smaller and plays more gently with them. she goes BESERK for the kids I babysit for. she plays hide and seek under the table with them. Even though she is wild and crazy with me I have had her around people with disabilites and she can tell she needs to be gentle with them.

For more info on Pits go to

Tell me who in charge in this house?
Thank you SO much for the sites! I'll start looking into them asap
: Brooklyn : Pip
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