Thread: Breeders
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Old 07-06-2005, 09:20 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by SoCalyorkiLvr
Jeff Dane is a breeder. He may also be a broker but there is nothing wrong with brokers. There are good breeders and bad breeders and there are good brokers and bad brokers. I know several excellent brokers who know more about yorkies than any vet or breeder I have met to date. I have told many stories about the wonderful breeder/broker I got Buddha and Hefner from and she has been saving puppies that the vets wouldn't bother with for over 30 years!

Jeff Dane isn't going anywhere and he is passionate about his dogs and he truly cares about them. I respect the other opinions out there about him and would caution, as always, whenever you purchase a puppy, from whomever, make sure all the "i"s are dotted and the "T"s are crossed.
Kim- You've only owned a Yorkie for six months, so I'm sure that in your mind you possess a wealth of experience in this area, but IMO six months experience is a tad limited. Just because you've spoken with many breeders and brokers doesnt really mean anything except that you've talked to a lot of people... bc to me quanity is NOT quality. I don't need to speak to a multitude of brokers when I have my breeder that was mentored by the best of the best. She can tell me anything I want or need to know. She speaks from years and years of hands on experience and you will not find an unkind word about her or any of her pups anywhere! Same with my vet. He is wonderful and I would rest assured there is no broker that knows more about the health of MY Yorkie than my vet.

We've visisted and re-visited this topic time and time again about brokers and I still can't understand why you are so confrontational and attacking to in your posts. Arent we all entitled to our own opinions based on our personal experiences.... I personally enjoy a pup that is bred to the standard and that comes from a breeder that would never dream of brokering her pups and that shows and that is affiliated with the YTCA and follows their Code of Ethics regarding breeding practices. Those are my choices. I understand that you prefer to use brokers to buy your Yorkies and that you like the "off" color/coated Yorkies. Those are your choices.

What I can't understand is why you post publicly and attack the YTCA, and will turn right around and defend Jeff Dane??? What do you have against show breeders? Or the YTCA for that matter?

Nothing is going to change my experience or view of this topic. Again, I will stick to my original opinion and that is that NO responsible or caring breeder would need to use the services of a broker to sell their puppies. Most have waiting lists!

We have quite a few breeders on this site and just to prove my point... I would like ANY breeder to post whether or not you would sell your puppies or commission them to a broker??? Pat, Rini- you have years and years of experience in breeding... have you ever used a broker to sell your pups? What do you think of breeders that broker their pups? Just curious. I would like to hear from any BREEDER on this forum that has experience in this area. Julz, Sylvan, Kimberley- will you use a broker to sell your upcoming litters and pups when they are ready to go? If what Kim says is true and there are "good" brokers out there... would you consider using a "good" broker?
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