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Old 07-11-2007, 06:08 PM   #29
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samie didn't look good immediately after she ate. Something was taking place while she was eating.. she would start to eat, then about halfway through, run away from her dish and sit down really fast. like she had been shot in the behind. then she would finish eating, sit down abruptly and then go and lay down. she would not scoot like an "anal gland needing emptyied scoot..." she would like "try" to scoot. While she was still sitting, her hind legs would come up. And she would put her head real far down to the floor, her ears flat and when you tried to talk to her she turned her head.

The "typical samie" would kiss you immediately when she got down in front of her. (she is a very lovable dog)... but she would act very weird and then then will finally lay down and sleep. she was very mopey. this is why she put on weight. A few times she would not even wake up when I came home from work. Normally she would bark like mad when I was walking up the driveway...... I could hear both of my dogs barking. My other yorkie would bark when I come in the door, and sometimes samie didn't wake up? How did Sadie not wake her? She would wake up right when I come in the door, but she sometimes was in a deep sleep.

Her nomal behavior immediately started appearing again once i changed her to the Canidae food. ( I know she cannot stay on this food, but I have to feed her until i find an alternate food) She went through an immediate change after stopping that NF formula food. Her belly gurgled a tiny bit, the vet said to give her 1/4 pepcid ac and it helped her a lot. After 2 days- big time improvement! She will even run after my other dog and play. (sadie seems to know when her sister doesn't feel well) and for days she knew to leave samie alone :-)

so now her tail started wagging again, she is back in the window with my other dog ....barking with her... (they have doggie steps to get up on the couch)she even barks to get me out of bed every morning again. Samie didn't bark much as time went on. She was never feeling good. Every day i came home wondering if she would pass away and my heart would pound b/c she was not up in the window with sadie!!! I still worry about her every day. Some mornings while on this other food she would breath heavily and cough a lot in the mornings. I was so afraid to leave her. I was given hydromet to give her for her trachea collapse. It is hydrocodone. I only give it to her when she absolutely needs it.

But each day that passed OFF of this food that caused her problems, she is better. she pants a little still sometimes, i think her ears are still bothering her alittle. She was being treated for her ear infections and the build up of the medication on the exterior of her ears caused both ears to become very red last w/end I noticed that she was scratching and itching at her ears and she would shake her head. I had been very familar with the inside of her ears b/c I had been cleaning then every other day (she had a build up of wax her left ear but- I was cleaning both)
So anyway- after i put her med drops in, she would shake her head and it would get on her ears. I even swabbed them lightly with a qtip after placing the drops in so less would leak out.. after her ears became badly inflamed we have discontinued the drops!

I took a look at her ears over the w/end- I decided she needed a bath too. Samie's tongue sometimes will turn blue if you put the water over head and if she gets water up her nose. I always cup my hand over her head and am so very careful but sometimes she still would have a hard time. I even stopped using conditioner on her b/c the heavy scent would cause her to have a hard time breathing. So yeah bath time makes me nervous too... Then when I dry her with the blowdryer she rolls around like a crazy dog b/c she is happy and clean. sometimes while she is squirrming around so much and i try to calm her down and she just goes crazy. she isn't even aware of what she is doing to herself?? the underside of her tongue (2 stripes on each side turn dark purple) and the top of her tongue a light gray. OOOOOOMG!! Freaks me out every time.

So I try to bathe her only like every 6 wks. Keep her short so she dries faster.... stress... stress...stress...

She is being seen at the vet this Saturday again b/c the vet can't prescribe something else w/o seeing her. Today she was purky- ears don't seem to bother her anymore...she is fluffy and clean, and she even went running after sadie last week and she hurt her back left leg. I have rugs throughout my whole house and carpet. but she runs after sadie like as if she is 100 lb dog.
so... let me tell you... it's been one thing after another. but hey- after all- she "is" feeling better not on the Purina NF diet)

but -I know whe will need to be on something else for her crystals.
i just do not know what???
I am VERY VERY VERY.............................................. .................... hesitant to place her on Hills W/D with adding potassium crystals... that food has almost the exact same ingredients as the one that messed her up.
And she still may have an ear infection in both ears, she is being treated also for a yeast infection.

I am exhausted.... I have researched every day... for hours on end.... reading food labels.... talking to different vets.....finding one thing on line.... and then hearing something the opposite..... IThe vet said her calcium, phosphorus and magnesium need to be low... but how low? the vet did not give me %'s
I started comparing ingredients in the Purnia NF and also the Hills Pres W/D. I have both foods in my pantry.

(The vet was closing when I went there to purchase the Hills food... so i quickly bought it) i came home and compared it to the other bag and was like no way... there has got to be another food!!! these are almost identical.

so the meantime, for 2 wks now- samie is on a food where I am completely 100% positive that she is forming LARGE amounts of crystals. BUT..... I know one thing for sure- I can't "NOT" feed her...

For 2 wks... I have wracked my brain... worried sick...
I have tried to limit the amounts of her food. b/c I do not know if the canned it better for her or not? I also don't want to start something that I may have to take away from her. She Loves the canned food. LOVES IT!

It is the Innova senior canned. it is low in cal, mag and phos. is good for her? I think? I don't really know? The vet said these values needed to be low. But how low??? And she also eats the canidae... she gets as her main food. maybe 1/4 cup or less a day is all she eats of that.

The vet said if I am comfortable feeding the canidae canned then do it for one month. She needs to help me better than that. yeah right... spoil the crap out of her for one solid month on canned food... and then find out we have to go back to kibble. does she know how smart yorkies are? apparently not. :-)

The vet told me to find something I am comfortable feeding... then and have her do a urinalysis again in 4 wks. but not to do both canned and kibble.
I need her canned food to give her her allergy pill 2 x a day.

feed her what I am "comfortable" with heck I have no idea what to feed her????????? Do i have the luxury of waiting a whole month to see how well she does on this food?

When she was on the Purina Nf, she wasn't making huge progress. after 2 months on this food she went from 4+ crystals then to 2+ crystals. after I changed her food to the canidae- 2 days later she had a urinalysis and she was producing 10+ crystals. hmmm only 2 days off the pres diet??? so either the pres diet was not working as good OR the canidae.... in just 2 days....made her produce more crystals?

I have no idea what i am doing? I know that i do have to feed her every day too.

i am still hoping and praying that someone here will help me make some good decisions and offer good advice b/c I really do not know what the vet is going to say tomorrow to my husband. I have no idea if anything else is out there that she can eat?

this is crazy... my streak of bad luck can't get any worse... i think i have an ulcer...

i am done babbling. I felt i wanted to give you an abundance of info i guess :-)

I do have 2 videos of her. One of her what she does after she eats. and another take while she is eating and when she is finished. -while she was eating the other food. one is 40 sec long. the other is 4 min. there is no way to edit the video but it was the whole time she was eating and after eating.
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