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Old 06-18-2007, 03:07 AM   #21
Phantom Queen Morrigan
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Originally Posted by xBUTTERCUPx View Post
Well I don't think I can even get mine out the door when it's raining. When I push the leash on him, he sits on the floor and try to hold himself back and would not budge. When I try to pick him up, he tries to run, like he really can go anywhere with the leash on him
if you really want him to go potty outside in no matter what weather then you must take charge of the situation. sure he doesn't want to go but you need to make him. When morgan was a baby she wasn't to thrilled about going potty in the rain either but i put her leash on her and took her right out to the middle of the backyard and told her to go in the pouring rain. i had a hooded sweatshirt on so no umbrella. the first time we did this we were outside for a good 15 minutes before she went. then right when she went potty i said 'good girl' and we went inside. Only took her a few time after that to figure out that we were going out no matter what and if she went fast enough we would go inside faster. Now i put her retractable leash on her and stand in the doorway while it rains and she runs out there, potties and then runs back inside no problem.

sure yorkies are small dogs, but they are dogs non the less and they can stand to go out in the rain.
Kellie and Morgan
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