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Old 05-30-2007, 02:50 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by Amando View Post
I always seem to get the same questions too. How old is she? Is she going to get bigger? How much did you pay for her? You should breed her! I have a male that would be perfect.

Yeah, okay, lady, Izzie isn't even 4 pounds and I'm going to breed her? Yeah right!

What I can't STAND is the people who just go and pick her up! (when I'm walking her on her leash) If she was a bigger dog, there's no way that someone would just go and pick her up. It really annoys me when parents with little kids let them try to pick her up. I'm always a B**** and scoop Izzie up and let the little ones pet her. For the adults, I just hope that she gets a little too excited and piddles on them. It's not my fault!

People can just be so rude!
This drives me insane also. My dad owns a furniture store and I work for him... I take Bailey alot and one time, one of his customers that didnt speak english came over to me to see Bailey, she snatched bailey out of my hands from over the counter(without saying anything) and handed bailey (on her leash) to her 5 or 6 year old daughter... Her daughter proceeded to run around in circles dragging bailey on her leash... It took me a few seconds to get from behind the counter to the front in order to snatch bailey up but i was so upset that someone could be so rude and careless... Also, bailey goes to the dog park alot and there is this one lady in particular that comes with her poodle... well whenever she sees bailey she picks her up and walks around with her carrying her like bailey is her dog! Its so annoiying because I TAKE MY DOG TO THE DOG PARK TO RUN AROUND!!!! not to be carryed around by this lady... Sometimes i wish I had the nerve to tell these people off...
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