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Old 06-25-2005, 05:10 PM   #29
Slave to My Rug-Rats
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Hi again...I really trying to not to worry (but I just can't help it) TJ has been very sleepy all day. He pretty much slept all day. I feed Him and Roxy 3x today (chicken and rice) the piggies ate it all and probably would have continued. Rocy pooped but not TJ. They played a few times today but TJ really just wanted to sleep. He has been drinking a little all day. Roxy a very little. I gave them both .50 cc of the pedialite, should I give them more? I am just so worried about TJ. Everytime he gets up for a dirnk he takes a lick or 2 and then just drops at the bowl to sleep. I know that he doesn't feel good (maybe constipated again). I don't know what to do. He flip flops. B/c like I said they really played a few times today and he was fine then, and then he just wanted to lay anywhere and sleep. Today was kind hot maybe that too? But Roxy seemed really ok, she slept b/c he would get up and play. Any suggestions, please?
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