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Old 06-24-2005, 10:51 AM   #23
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Their systems are outta whack right now... So they are probably not going to poop very regularly. Maybe not pooping yet is actually agood thing cause it might be gearing to getting back to normal.... Dunno... It could even be a day. I know that been Annie before... When she has had the diarhea then when her system is getting back to normal. I get worried cause she hasn't pooped, but then all of sudden a nice solid poop. Be patient.. It will come eventually.....

As to how much chicken and rice to give them... That's a hard one... If I give annie dog food forget it! but it if I give her all the chicken and rice she wants.... SHE'S IN Go figure... She'll eat as much as you give her... So maybe give as much as you are comfortable with...? Maybe try to seperate the two and feed them? So they don't fight over the food until you can get their systems back into whack? Dunno....

Oh yeah and once their stomachs are back to normal you can stop the chicken and rice... But my guess is that you will have a hard time getting them to eat the kibble. You may have to you try different tricks to entice them to get them to eat the kibble

Last edited by eroar2; 06-24-2005 at 10:53 AM.
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