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Old 03-08-2007, 10:40 PM   #11
Archie's Mom
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Originally Posted by HisNameIsHarley View Post
Okay, I'm p*ssed.. Today at work a couple came to our facility and were outside reading our signs (we were closed). I walked out to check with them and give them our business card with our hours (I work at a private dog/cat rescue) and I was nearly knocked off my feet when the woman opened her mouth and started talking. I am going to quote her.. You won't believe this.

"Hi, we don't want to adopt your dogs. We want you to kill our dog for us."

me- "Excuse me? I'm sorry we are not a vets office and we are a no-kill dog shelter, is there a reason you want to put your dog down, are they in pain or sick?"

"No, she's a toy dog and she's 15 and I'm f'ing sick of her. I've had her 15 years and now she's starting to pee in the house so I want you to kill her for me. I tried to take her to my vet but he wouldn't do it because he says there's nothing wrong with her."

me-"So she isn't sick or in pain? She's just old? And you want to put her down because she's old?"

"That's what I said, could you go inside and call around to the vets around here and find out who's the cheapest to kill her?"

me-(dead silence) "I'm sorry but I refuse to aid you in killing your dog. This is going to go on your conscience not mine. You need to leave. If you want I can get our director and he can explain to you why what you're doing is wrong."

And they just walked away cursing under their breath...


I walked back inside and started bawling..

We can only take in so many animals at our facility because we're a no-kill facility so we can only take in as many as we adopt out. And right now we are overloaded with over 75 dogs and several are being returned this weekend. One of them is a pitbull that was adopted 8 years ago! WTF!? (sorry for my language) And we have to try and take in animals that are adoptable because we're not a 'sanctuary'.

A 15yr old dog would never have a chance of being adopted and would probably have died in our facility from shock from being thrown from her 15years of being a family pet to living in a kennel..

How do these people sleep at night?

These dogs give their WHOLE lives to us.. They love us unconditionally with all their hearts.. And when they grown old.. the thanks we give them.. Is to kill them?

I just had to vent.. I can't stand it anymore.
Kind of makes you wonder how their elderly family members would fare in their care, doesn't it?
Archie's Mom
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