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Old 03-06-2007, 09:22 AM   #22
Senior Yorkie Talker
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I vounteered for just under a year with a local organization that places animals (cats) in PetSmart. They are no kill, and get their animals from kill shelters- taking the animals whose "time is up" first. The dogs are not kept in PetSmart, but in foster homes, with pictures and info at PetSmart, and coming out to the store for special dog day adoption events.

In under 1 year, I took home 4 cats. And I had 4 to begin with. It was very difficult for me to work there, even though it was no kill. Because you are still thinking, somewhere, there are animals being killed each day, because these are taking too long to get adopted. The ones I adopted were all black- in fact, all I ever adopt are black cats, they are the absolute last to go. Can you believe that in 2007 people still dislike black cats because of an old superstition? There was a mom and kitten set that they were asking to be adopted together (both black). The kitten was essentially growing up in a cage. After many months, I took them home. The large cage they were taking up could easily hold a litter of 5-6 kittens-which go fast.

After that, I stopped volunteering. I was spending every Saturday at PetSmart. I work full time. A full day away from my own animals was tough. (this was even before the 2 Yorkie puppies!) And remember too, depending on the set up, you may be dealing with the public. Which, not being used to since the retails days of high school for me, was startling.

You find out how ignorant people really are, and how unwilling to change they can be. How they prefer to live in their dim little worlds, rather than let the illumination of information shine in.

I am not trying to discourage anyone from volunteering, I am so grateful to those who can. I just know that for me, I cannot anymore.

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