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Old 03-04-2007, 09:21 AM   #7
pepe mint
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with my cocker, daisy, i think it is more that my hubby is the one that would give treats all the time and I'm not Not so much anymore because we have stopped rewarding with treats but he used to be big on giving treats. He has also always given his dog food from his plate and when he is in the kitchen, would slip food to the dogs. daisy knows this... but maggie has never really been given treats or table foods. from the time we brought her home, we stopped giving treats for going potty. we wanted to train her with praise as her reward. this is how my cocker was trained as well, and she was such a wonderful dog. very easy to train. His min pin was trained strictly with treats. I wanted to train maggie the way daisy was trained so we agreed to stop with the treats. They still get "goodies" throughout the day at random times but not as a reward for going to the bathroom, but just because we feel like giving them a goodie the goodies are usually carrots. But when hubby is home, daisy follows him around like his shadow. she is black so we call her his shadow all the time when he is gone, she follows me around and keeps track of my every move. Maggie does this all the time...even if Jim is home, she still prefers to be with Mommy.

I think that if Jim started giving maggie treats and foods like he did with his dog and daisy, she might abandon I forbid him he is NOT allowed to steal my baby he knows this..and he fears the wrath LOL. I told hubby when we first got maggie that he is not allowed to make her love him more. I am the one that fought tooth and nail and begged for her. he was against getting another dog. TOTALLY against it. I wanted her...for many years. so he is not allowed to taker her from me LOL honestly, he knows how it kinda broke my heart to realize that daisy preferred him over me. she had always been my baby. now, if he is home, she will literally wait outside the bathroom door for him instead of sitting on the couch with me. she is constantly wanting to be right next to him. I have always babied her and taken such good care of her so it was sad when I realized that he was her favorite.

They say dogs are a good judge of character, I guess this means I have a good hubby
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