Thread: Scary!!!!!!!
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Old 02-22-2007, 09:05 PM   #17
Rae Rae
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Originally Posted by scarlettosully View Post
Glad to hear about you folks meeting big dogs while out and about. I've been going to training classes and the leader said to not worry about meeting dogs while out walking, but Scarlett is so friendly and would go right up to a you usually cross the street to avoid them or what??? I'm happy to know others worry about this too.
I only allow Rocky to meet a larger dog if I KNOW the dog is friendly and going to be O.K with him. It's really not worth taking a chance and risking him getting attacked, but on the other side, you don't want your baby to fear larger dogs. If a strange, larger dog approaches us, I pick him up. I don't cross the street if a larger dog is just standing there and is on a leash or anything.
Owned by Rocky and Bella
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