Thread: She escaped!!!
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Old 02-22-2007, 04:58 PM   #14
Jazzy Girl
Senior Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: The Jersey Shore
Posts: 104

Originally Posted by bevwp View Post
I was still trying to decide on a name for my yorkie girl when I had almost decided on Houdini as she escaped her x-pen (24") after 2-1/2 days at 8-1/2 weeks old. When I got home she greeted me at the door. So I put up a 36" baby gate & voila...she got out of that one too. So I put her back in & watched & saw she was climbing up the bar & climbing over the top so I turned the gate around & she seems to stay in now. Not sure for how much longer though. By the way her name's not Houdini it's Maggie & she's now 13 weeks & I luv her to pieces!
I hate to tell you but.......unless it is a solid surface gate (i.e. plexiglass)......I'd give her maximum of 1 day and she will figure out how to climb up the gate and over without the aid of the bar.
Yorkies are amazing. Not only are they super cute and smart; they are also super agile and do not have a shy or fearful bone, in their little bodies!!
My Mickey, jumps like a kangaroo, climbs like a monkey, has the courage of a lion and the attitude of a super diva.
Gotta love them!!!
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