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Old 02-15-2007, 07:43 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2005
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Default Belly dancing and twirling tongue and hands

This is going to sound very odd. But I have a Grandbaby that some of you know who just turned 7 months. She seems very smart for her age and seems alot bigger then babys her age, She has been learning the normal baby stuff some a little sooner then she should. I know all Grandmas brag on their Grandbabys as they should. But shes been doing a lot of different stuff and it just amazes me and I wonder where she picked it up at. For one at just a month or so old she was moving her wrist in circler motion like twirling a baton, even the fingers get moving, Well shes got that down packed and can do both hands at once and very fast. Then she started twirling her tongue she can twist and turn it all the way over. Well she knows the basic toy things as in opening closing she waves bye and can throw kisses.she can make any face you can and if you give her some type of learning toy she can figure it out in minutes.turning on and off toys and she loves turning on her musical toys. well she learned to dance and its the cutest shaking her head and snapping her fingers. well now she has learned to roll her stomach. Hubby's like what the heck is she doing. Shes going to have either a sore or very tight tummy.She shake the head, snap the fingers and roll the stomach. I cant even do some of the stuff she does. she will just stare as in consitrating on her stomach and she starts. My sister was able to do this and her son rolled his stomach at a very young age. But come on 7 months. I had forgot all about them rolling their tummy until I saw My Grandbaby doing it. Im going to try and get it all on video, I just thought it was very strage for a 7 month old and wanted to share. Every time my daughter takes her to the doctors they are also amazed at the things she can do. Now wait untill they see her rolling her tummy. lol

Last edited by YorkieShadow; 02-15-2007 at 07:47 AM.
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