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Old 02-12-2007, 11:37 AM   #5
Donating YT 1000 Club Member
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I went to chef school, at tx culinary academy. its was like 45 grand... but it only 13 months to get your asso. degree...Its not all cooking! you have to do math, eng., computer class and a lot of other classes too!

Its hard to get started right after school, if you not in the top %. You dont get the chef job right off the bat, either. YOu have to work at the bottom in the kitchen and work your way up! Before he spend all that money for school , he should work in a Kitchen for at lest a month, at a busy restaurant and see how he likes it.... I am not going to lie. It it a stressful job!! if he dose not smoke now.. he might pick it up!! Personally I love seeing some one enjoy what I make. I have my hubbies coworker spoiled rotten! I alway send some little something with him every other day, for every one. I love being in the kitchen cooking...and then when someone takes a bite out of your food and they have that OMG its soo good face.. Its just the best feeling!!

If he really wants to be a chef, then he need to work in a kitchen for a while... see how he likes it. Thats how I 1st started out. If he likes that.. THEN he need to start talking to schools about how they can help him after he is done with school and what all that school has to offer him... He should fine the one that can help him find a job right after. Then from there he can do it on its own. JUst keep working his self up. and he should NEVER feel bad for taking a job else where that pays better...If he is working under a chef, they will understand... That how chefs get there jobs.. they just keep stepping up, till they get where they want.

My best friend who also went to the same school I did. Made B's in all her classes and she is working as a host at a BBQ place now...You have to start form the your not going to get that high paying job right after school, like you would in most fields... So he need to make sure he finds the RIGHT school for him.. dont just go to it BC some chef he likes went to it! He need to find a school that fits HIM and will work with him on getting a job right after he is done. The faster he gets in the field..the fast he can work up to the Top Chef job in the Kitchen.
Bunny &Bella
Supporting The Troops

Last edited by OLIVIA_KARHIS; 02-12-2007 at 11:41 AM.
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