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Old 12-30-2004, 05:04 AM   #1
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 7
Default Hi! I'm new here!


I just registered here. I have a Yorkie that I got in July. She's adorable and her name is Paris! She is 7 months old, and I am so attached to this dog, it's incredible! I've never had a small dog before, only big ones (boxers mostly).

Paris had a horrible grooming experience a week before Christmas with a groomer here in town. My husband has been going to them for years to get out dogs nails clipped and thought I would give her a try. When I got there, I knew what a Yorkie was supposed to look like, and I had spent the last 5 months since I had her grooming and training her hair, which grew in very silky and long. When I got there, they asked if I wanted them to cut down her back 1/4 inch - I told them no. Just to trim her up, tip her ears and bathe her.

When they brought her out to me, her whiskers were GONE, the eye brows looked like 2 pom poms on her eyes and those whiskers were GONE. Her back had been shaved (like I told them not to do) and she looked like someone just took a scissor to her and just chopped her up. I didn't examine her close when I got her back because she was TERRIFIED to begin with. When I got home, I took pictures, because they literally chopped my dog up! When I called to speak to the groomer, who was also the owner of the store, she asked if I knew what a Yorkie was supposed to look like, I in turn asked her the same question. And when I told her that I was unhappy and wouldn't go back there again, she said "Then why bother calling, just never come back". I stopped payment on the check. The Monday after Christmas, she called me and told me that she would see me in Small Claims court and to enjoy my day off. To me, totally unappropriate. And she also said that just because I wasn't happy with the cut - services were still rendered and I had to pay. I told her no way! The services I paid for were to have my dog GROOMED, not hacked to bits!

So, would just like to say HI and get some input on this. I've been looking around, and the only thing I can compare her cut to is a really bad Bichon Frise cut. She's all uneven under her neck, her eye hair is short on the left and long on the right, the ears were NOT tipped or groomed inside at all, her anus was NOT groomed at all, they cut the tip of her nose when they shaved it, because I found a scab there that day and she's just very uneven all over!

Did I do the wrong thing?
Would love some input!

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