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Old 02-03-2007, 11:48 AM   #1
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Unhappy Someone hit a pregnant cat in front of my house

Someone hit a cat right in front of my house last night, I heard something and thena bunch of like whooping and hollering and I went out there and it was some group of teenagers and they kept on driving...the poor cat it was everywhere and they didn't even care to stop to do anything about it I wondered if they hit it on purpose the way they were acting I got a box and put on some gloves and got some tools and went out there and tried to clean it up as best I could. I knew if I didn't, more animals would probably come out to get that and would get hit because it was all over the road. I burried the box in our backyard...the worst part was the cat was just a mother and from what I could tell the babies were developing and almost ready to be born. At first I thought maybe they could be saved but they were all clearly dead. It got me very upset over the whole thing...I don't like dealing with dead animals anyway...let alone an animal that was killed like was just so sad
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