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Old 02-02-2007, 07:51 AM   #8
Loves Hannah & Gracie
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Join Date: Jan 2007
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We just leased for the first time. We were very nervous about it because all the negative things we have heard over the years about leasing. We leased for 38 months, 15,000 miles a year, they fix any repairs, after the 38 months we can trade it back in on a new one, sell it, or turn it back in, or keep it and pay what is owed on it. If you go over your milage then it is .15 cents a mile, but if you trade it back in on a new one at the same place then there is no milage fee if you go over. After the time is up you can also sell it to someone else for what you owe or if it is worth more you can sell it and make a profit. We didn't have to pay any payment up front, we just walked out the door with a new pathfinder, they made the first payment for us. This was through nissan so I don't know if every place does it this way. They made it so easy. The payment is lower than if we had just bought it. Also if you buy it you pay all the intrest up front, but with the lease the intrest is spread out. LIke we pay $470.00/month -$30.00 of this is the intrest, if we had bought it would have been $635.00/month for 60 months. After the 38 months we can finance what we owe for up to 60 months. I think I am going to like this lease deal.
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