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Old 01-29-2007, 03:47 PM   #24
Donating Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Central Pennsylvania, USA
Posts: 143
Default Here's some advice I got...and it worked

She is adorable! We had some similar problems (coughing, hacking, ear mites, thin slow growing hair) with our little guy for months when we got him. We were at the vet almost every week trying something different and nothing worked. Finally I talked to a family member of mine who is a (human) doctor and she told me some stuff to try.

She said the key was to calm the cough, letting his little trachea relax, and stop spasming. She told us to give him infant/baby diamatap cough supresant as needed at night so he could sleep. The dosage we used was 1/2 of the recomended dose for a baby that was the same weight as him. Our vet also said that we should make sure that all of his food and drink were at room temperature. She said that the cold water could be making him cough more because it is such a drastic change in temperature. We also gave him a puppy immune system vitamin (which had antioxidents and vitamins in it) to boost his immune system. After being on the antibiotics their little immune system can get run down and then it is even harder for them to get better. We got the vitamin a petsmart. For his hair growth issues she said to get some organic flax seed oil (the liquid form) or Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (the darker the better) and sprinkle some on his food. The oil is an excellent source of the good fats that are necessary for healthy skin and coat and does not hurt them. Just make sure the oil is organic because that ensures that there are no additives, dies, or fillers in the product (which can be dangerous). We used the organic flax seed oil on his food 3 times per week in the begining and when his skin dryness cleared up we cut it back to once per week which we still do.

After doing all of this for a few days we started to notice a difference. We ran all this past our vet (who specializes in treating toy breeds) before doing any of it and she said it was fine to do, but you may want to check with your vet first. I'm not saying this is the end all answer, I just thought I would share what worked for us! Our baby is almost 2 now and our vet says he is the healthiest yorkie patient in thier practice. Good Luck! Hope she gets well soon!
Commited to stopping Puppy Mill cruelty!
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