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Old 01-17-2007, 03:18 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Felix101
Hi my baby just went into heat a week ago. This is her first time. She's 10 months old. I have a friend that has a boy and we were talking today about letting them. . .you know and let my baby have puppies. Her boy is 6 months old but he seems to be very sexually active already with his toys

I have some questions about this whole process.

A. My girl is 10 months. Her boy is 6 months. Are they mature enough? If not, how old enough should they be when they first make doggy love?

B. How does the whole giving of puppies work? My mom told me that the rule of thumb is the owner of the stud gets one puppy and I keep the rest. Is this true? I talked to my friend and she says she only wants a puppy to keep her boy company and I want to keep a puppy for the exact same reason. Here are some situations. If my girl has only one puppy, who keeps the puppy, the owner of the female or the owner of the stud? If she wants a boy and Cindy only has 2 girls (for example) what is supposed to happen? Are there any rules about this? If so, can you tell me so that I know? This won't be any breeding like professionally or anything. She's just a friend who has a stud and we decided to let our babies have puppies so we won't get into any legal stuff like suing each other I just want to know out of curiosity.

C. I'm all for natural birth and all. I have a Lab who has given birth 6 times and has done it all by herself without me even touching her. I want it to be the same for Cindy. I know that she has motherly instincts and that she knows what to do and all I have to do is provide a cozy nest for her litter. I will take her to the vet if I see anything weird going on or just to check her right before she gives birth.

D. Cindy's litter could not be registered with the AKC because one of her parents was not registered. Her husband-to-be IS registered with the AKC. She's really small. 4 lbs last time I weighed her. The stud is smaller than her and weighs in at at 3.5 lbs. Since she's not registered, I know I can't register the litter so the puppies will not be sold at the price that a registered Yorkie would be. The puppies SHOULD be really small since both parents are small so I don't plan on having the prices lower than 700.

E. What are some important things that I should know before I make the decision to let Cindy have puppies?

Here are pictures of Cindy (1st picture) and her boyfriend (2nd picture).
Well you can search this forum for all the people that have had bitches die in whelp and decide if you can handle that.
You have no idea about her background and although the male is AKC registered you have no idea about any genetic problems either or both may be carrying although they don't exhibit anything so far.
I would encourage you to enjoy her for the pet you bought her as.
Vet bill can be about $1500 or more for a csection if necessary. Then there are more Vet visits especially since you have no idea what you are doing and will be putting both your girl and any possible puppies at very high risk for death.
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