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Old 01-15-2007, 08:19 AM   #6
And Lil Sister Kamari
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Trixie, I understand what you are saying and I feel dogs have some sort of color variation. Dogs have a favorite toy no matter what the color, yours just happen to prefer orange and red. To me what my ex-coworker was saying seperated 2 races. If that was the case with her dog, he should be able to see the color of all races. There's no way in Sam's hill after reading those links provided this would be the case. If so, he should be able to see the diff of skin color on Indians, Hispanics, and Orientals etc. outside of black and white. Most dogs know people as people until they are taught something different, (like to taunt or attack).
Dogs can hear the diff of an accent or southern drawl in voices when humans speak. Then and only then can I see them shying away from someone for fear of voice, not for fear of color. I was a bit agitated that's all, because she clearly said, her dog doesn't like black people. The dog to me barked at anyone that walked pass the car. I have never seen a dog acting out in training classes and pet stores where there are a variety of races because they singled out one race. That means she can't even take her dog in a pet store without him losing it everytime another race is insight? I'm sorry I just can't see that. I can see a dog being a dog protecting his territory, but go figure?
I'm In Love With 2 Yorkies!
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