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Old 01-11-2007, 04:17 PM   #2
Little Bit
Tiny Dog Big Heart
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Originally Posted by Angel4791
Since Finnigen's surgery to put a plate and pins in his arm, he's been sleeping in the playpen. He used to sleep with us. He's in the playpen for at least 5.5 more weeks at night. My husband and I have discussed keeping it set up in our room permanently, since our bed is so high up, and having him sleep there all the time.

We live in SK Canada, and it get's cold here. Today it is -38C with the wind chill. I've made him a flannel quilt for the bottom of the play pen and he sleeps with blankets on top of him. I'm looking for a duvet for him to snuggle under since it's so cold here. I've found ones that are crib size but can't find any play pen size. If anyone knows where I can find one (already tried ebay) let me know. Or if anyone knows how to make one or if I can alter a crib sized one, I'm a bit apprehensive to attempt this but I don't think it would be that difficult.

Shar-Lee & Finnigen
I made one when my kids were little. Just measure the square pad in the bottom of the playpen, add one inch in each direction (1/2 inch each side for seams) Then cut two pieces this size. Place fabric right side to right side and sew 3 sides together, turn right side out and insert the playpen pad inside. If you want the opening not to be right on the end then cut one of the pieces a little longer in one direction (before you sew it) and cut it in two pieces. Make the cut however far down from (and parallell to) the edge as you want the opening to be. If you want the edges finished turn under and stitch. Then take the one whole piece and the two pieces (with the finished sides overlapping and inch or two (or however much you want the overlap to be) and put them right sides together (the whole and 2 overlapped pieces) matching all sides, pin and stitch, then turn right side out.

I hope this makes sense. You are basically just making a pillow case or sham for the pad. But for warmth sake I think it will be warmer for a small dog or puppy if they had their own little bed with cover inside the playpen. That way the heat that their body generates will be more concentrated and not lost over a huge space. A very easy solution is to put a pillow in a pillowcase (a heavy pillow case or make one out of prequilted material or fleece) in the playpen and the dog can just get in the pillowcase between the pillow and the case! My dachshund used to do this all the time. I made her a special bed out of fleece like this. She loved it. I just bought a cat thing for my little yorkie that would work well, too. It is like a big pillow case made out of plush material with fake shearling lining that is just like a small sleeping bag with the opening having a casing with plastic underwire type stuff for stiffness and stuffing for softness to keep it open. It is a Barbie Brand and I got it at Big Lots for $10. Here is a link to some pictures that I took of it for you. Hope it works! They also sell similar things on ebay. I think something smaller than a duvet for the whole crib pad would be warmer for the little one in my opinion and you wouldn't have to worry about him not finding his way out!

Good luck,


Last edited by Little Bit; 01-11-2007 at 04:21 PM.
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