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Old 01-11-2007, 12:34 PM   #1
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Unlove My baby boy Stuart

He was my lifeline during a very difficult time in my life. My split up from my fiancee of 10 years, and the selling of our home. He was my little buddy and how god could have taken him away from me only 1 month after all that i had lost was beyond me!
I have felt gulty and blamed myself for so long! If I only watched him more carefully, if I only brought him to my mothers house while I was going through everything he would have been safe there. If... if... if...

Stuart was 4 days shy of 5 months old. He was about 3.5lbs and had the biggest ears Ive ever seen on a yorkie! He was such a little nerd! haha

I got home from work one day and he greeted me but very calmly, did not jump up, no yipping, nothing... so I picked him up and he was WET! I realized that he was covered in his own saliva, pee and poo. I just grabbed him, looked around really quickly to make sure I didnt see any open containers that he could have gotten into and I flew out the door, didnt even lock it, and drove STRAIGHT to the Emergency Vet. I ran through the doors and yelled, "THIS IS AN EMERGENCY" and they came out and took him away from me immediately! They put me in a room and told me to wait. Every 5 - 10 mins someone would come in and update me. They tested for everything on the spot. Finally about 1/2 hour later, they came to get me, they told me that he took a turn for the worst and I should go see him and pet him. They told me he was coughing up blood and it was a matter of time. I went to him, I pet his little head and told him how much I loved him and how he meant the world to me. He took his last breath. A part of me died that day! It is still dead. Im all teary-eyed even now writing this!

The vet had to call someone to come pick me up as I was curled up in the fetal position on the floor of the exam room. I was almost taken to the hopsital by my best friend bc I was hyperventalating. That night I moved out the home I was selling and went to live at my mothers to get away from my ex and that house where my puppy got sick. I remember all the nights I laid in bed at my mothers house and cried myself to sleep because I just wanted my baby boy. Those nights were horrible! My whole life changed over night and I handled the break up better than losing Stuart.

This happened September 27, 2005. The vet brought him to me after he passed and I just held him and held him til they took him away. Funny thing about that is I never touched any of my pets that passed away, the thought grossed me out, but him I could not put down. I just petted his little head and held him in his blanket for as long as they let me.

They did an necropsy on his little body and found that he had ingested rat poison. Noone knew how he could have gotten into it, I still don't know to this day, but they found crystals in his system. I had taken him to a birthday party a few days earlier and my neice was walking him and I heard him yelp, I went running over and he seemed fine but she said she stepped on him by accident. Apparently there was a tiny tear in his liver and since rat poison essentially stops your blood from clotting, the blood was able to get through that tear and flood his entire chest cavity, essentially drowning him to death. How horrible that sounds!

Sorry I rambled for so long... I am still in pain over losing him. He forever changed me and my life. I have his ashes in a cedar urn and I have a paw print in clay that my vet gave me.

Here he is, he was such a sweet, gentle gorgeous dog! RIP my little Stuey! Mom still misses you sooo very very much!!!
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