Thread: Swimming Pools
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Old 01-07-2007, 08:37 AM   #9
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by miezzi
We just got our pool put up last year. We have an above groud, so they can only get in when we get in. Brasco loved the water! He would just do his little doggie paddle thing all thru the pool and just have a ball! Luigi, would get in, and rush right to the ladder and try to get out! LOL! And Livvi, HATED the water!!! If we tried to put her in, she would dig her claws into us and act like it was the end of the world!!!! So I did get them a raft to be on, but Brasco will keep jumping off it to swim, Weeg would wait for it to float by the ladder and try to get off, and Livv would start to shake like crazy, so she just stays in the sun on the grass! LOL! We will see what happens again this summer!
That's a plus with an above ground pool. You can decide when they can get in. We had a real scare this fall with our puppy Abbie. My son and I were getting fall leaves out of the pool and we had Reesie (1yr old) and Abbie (I think she was only a couple of months). They were right beside us playing when my son saw that Abbie had fallen in. She was swimming like a maniac THANK GOD!! I was so worried because we had just had a cold front move in and water was very cold. Everything turned out fine. She's a tough little stinker. She's not allowed in the pool area anymore until she gets bigger. We even put mess netting along the bottom of our iron fence because I thought she might be able to squeeze through the bars.
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