Thread: 102 pounds!
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Old 01-01-2007, 01:56 PM   #13
Mojo, LilyGrace & Me
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Originally Posted by Kathryn_V
Well... it took about.... I guess its been about 10 months now... about??? but I quit losing 3 months ago... I'm still taking it off painfully slow now, but before It was flying off! The difference.. I was raw... but a few months ago I came home from the hosp. and after not having access to raw food was eating the SAD (Standard American Diet) I still do Zero Dairy and no red meats, no breads, pasta potatoes... mainly chicken sushi and fruits and veggies, lots of veggies! I do eat out and do crappy foods more often than I'd like to admit... before that was totally not an option!!!! I plan on cutting out 99% of the cooked foods and going back to my raw ways. I felt so much better!!! Now I have upset stomach and bloating, I get cramps have issues with certian foods... we all have certian foods that just don't "agree" with us... Well on a raw diet... Nothing affected me like that... I could eat and never worry about how something was going to sit! it was awesome! And the weight just flew! Hubby lost 20 pounds just eating raw for two meals a day the first two months. he was floored! its a great lifestyle if you really enjoy food...

If you just inhale your food and move on... you could be eating carpet fibers like Chynna and be happy! lol

Raw food is an art really... Its easy to get hooked!

One of my favorites is making Nut Milks! I wish I could send you all a glass of Chocolate milk! I make the best Chocolate milk!!! RAW! From fresh ground Cacao nibs (thats Chocolate in its raw form) and fresh made almond milk and agave nectar. It tastes better than Hershy's! It takes me about 30 minutes to make a gallon of it... but my family LOVES IT! its the best treat and they know the love that goes into it... so its a treat that they truly cherish!

There is so much to raw... Its not just carrot sticks!
Kathryn that is great!

I wish so much that I can try the raw diet........I checked out the rawvolution book (I think that was the name) and it seemed interesting. Plus, you are living proof!

BUUUUUUUUUT!!! It would be hard for me for several reasons

1.) have to cook another meal for my DH and daughter - he is STRICTLY meat and potatoes - no budging him!

2.) not much selection of good raw foods around here - the health food stores does have a good variety of things, but boy, they are proud of some of it aren't they?

3.) regarding #1 - TIME! Who has the time to cook for one and then turn around and have to make my own, then clean up from both of them! Whoa!

The "nut shake" sounds interesting! But yummmy!!!!

I am almost to the point where I might just call my doctor and get that Merida prescription!!!!

I know that over the summer, when I was really hard at my weight loss, I would get sick at my stomach if I ate something that I knew wasn't good for me. I don't know if it was all in my head or if my body was just letting me know that that food wasn't good for me. I wish I would get that back! Boy, I need that again!
Hi I'm Jenn Mom to.....
Mojo,LilyGrace & DD Kate
RIP Mojo FOREVER in our hearts!

Last edited by Jenn218; 01-01-2007 at 01:58 PM.
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