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Old 12-31-2006, 09:34 AM   #87
pepe mint
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Animal Smiley 049 Sorry...I get long winded hehe

I will say...When I first started looking for a yorkie, I knew right away it would be a long process. for several reasons...I wanted my baby to come from a home where they raise the puppies in their home and are well socialized by the time I bring her home. That seems really hard to find these days. I wanted a female...and I knew that for a fact. Not because I think males are any different when it comes to yorkies...but simply because I have always had female dogs and that is just my personal preference. And it seems that females are usually the first to go. I know of a little bitty tiny yorkie and thought that I wanted the smallest one I could find. but after looking at many chat forums regarding yorkies, the same message came across loud and clear...make sure you know what you are getting. Because they are so delicate and are often not as healthy. I never got offended by this, even though I was convinced I wanted the smallest one I could find. Well, I finally found the yorkie pup that was perfect for me...and she is not going to be that tiny. she is 2.8 lbs right now and is 12 weeks old. She is expected to be about 4-5 lbs and while I thought i wanted a much smaller one, I was quickly made aware that it is not the size of the dog I should be after, but yet one that fits my personality and lifestyle. and one that I could bond with. I didn't exactly stay away from the smaller ones, but I knew that I needed to think long and hard about what was really best for my home and my lifestyle. and after many people posted the concerns about smaller yorkies, I was thankful that they did. Otherwise, I would have simply gone on a hunt for a teeny tiny female and never knew what to look out for. Probably until it was too late. I do not think that people intend to "bash" others that are wanting a little tiny baby, I think they simply want to help educate them. It is so tempting to have that little bitty "smallest dog ever" to dress up and tote around with you. But if you immediately go after that without any knowledge of what could lie ahead, you could end up heartbroken. Not saying that all tiny yorks are unhealthy..I know several that are extremely healthy and live wonderful lives. But I just don't know that everyone is aware of what they are getting into when to go for that fantasy yorkie.

I know now that all I needed to be concerned with when finding my yorkie baby was that she was healthy. And yes, that she was a female

Anyone who does not know what soap tastes like has never washed a dog
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