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Old 12-29-2006, 06:13 PM   #19
Lovin' to the MAX!!
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Join Date: Oct 2006
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I don't think in Max's case, that it's something INSIDE the car...we don't use the heater much and we happened to be in a rental car which is much bigger than our cars (which Max also shakes in) and the heater made no noise whatsoever. I think it's more road noise and he hates it when the big trucks go by...I think having things flying by him that are bigger than him scares him. I noticed that he was really freaked out when it got dark and all the headlights making shadows really scared him.
I believe the first time we took him on a long trip, he was so mellow (which we were not only pleased by, but shocked at) b/c he was so young that he didnt' know any different and was in the lots-of-sleeping stage. Now he's more aware and tuned into what's happening. It doesn't help at all for me to try to talk soothingly to him; it makes no difference most of the time. It seems like a lot of people have very similar problems with their Yorkie and I think they're just very sensitive to so much loud noise and stimulus. I'm hoping I can find something that will be safe and effective for him, b/c I hate to fly, a lot of airlines won't allow pets in the cabin any longer and it's just such a hassle to fly anymore, so going back to see friends and family is always going to be a long trip most likely. The thought of leaving him home though seems even worse, since he's used to being with me almost all the time.
Seana and Max and Madison too!
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