Thread: Family Feuds.
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Old 12-22-2006, 03:47 PM   #21
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I can see your mom "not giving advice or sympathy" as she is in a difficult po sition also. She has to be careful of the new relationship between her and her future so in law. I think she is just being smart.
Would you be staying with them when you went for the holidays or in a hotel?
I think if I were in that position I would just call and say that I'm sorry about the misunderstanding and wish that I knew ahead of time that the dog could not come, that there is no way I could find holiday boarding available at this late date and that my parents also are just not prepared to take care of him at this time. And that you were so looking forward to sharing the holiday with them.
Can you at least go to your parents for the holiday? People are under a lot of pressure during the holidays They do and say a lot of dumb things but it's silly for her to ruin the holidays for herself, her family and you over a tiny dog. It's not a St Bernard that's not housebroken!
A lot of times we have to smile and bite the bullet to keep peace in the family. Don't get me wrong-I don't mean let them walk all over you but sometimes we need to stop and think of the relationship that has been there between the other person and their family. Since you are going to marry him these people will be the grandparents of any children you have. I'm sure you will eventually work things out, good luck
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