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Old 11-29-2006, 07:31 AM   #1
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Default New yorkie in house, need help!

We finally got our Belle (female), she has been with us 1 week now and she is 18 weeks old. Our Baloo (male) is 21 weeks old and we've had him since september 9th. Baloo is the sweetest most playful dog I've ever seen, no barks, no aggression. Belle is pretty nice, but from day 1 she has nipped at him, sometimes hard. Their first impression of each other was in the car, and they were ok together, it wasn't until we got home and waited a few hours then the nipping started. They sleep together at night, and stay home all day together, and 98% of the time they are fine. But sometimes she will bite/nip at him if he sniffs her too much (on her underside), or sometimes if she's on one of our laps she will nip if he comes close (defending her territory), or if she wants to take his bully stick/toy. In general, I'm disappointed in how disinterested in each other they seem, I thought they would keep each other more occupied, but they haven't really become "inseperable" buddies although they still do play an ok amount.

We are somewhat concerned that they aren't right for each other, but since most of the time they do well together, we just aren't sure. The breeder told us things are going ok, because if they hated each other, they would fight all the time and they wouldn't cuddle up and sleep together. When in the xpen, they will cuddle and sleep, they wrestle and mouth each other, but the times when she (and she is always the nipper/biter) gets after him, it makes us feel bad because he will try and avoid her for awhile or he looks sad cause she sometimes try to scare him away from us (we think). We really want them to be great friends, can anyone offer any advice on whats normal or any things we should be doing or their experience???
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