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Old 05-28-2005, 07:55 PM   #32
Lady of Yorkies
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Ok, reality check. Villette how about one of those, lord what are they called? For keeping the dogs in the yard, under ground little electric shocks? Maybe this would deter the frogs from coming back? Oh, wait that requires a collar. Ok, what about worms? Those electric things they use to make the worms come to the surface.

Ohohohohoh, ok, Villette, I can hear you, "What worms, too?!! Now I gotta deal with worms, too?!!"

Ok, I'm TRYING to help. I just thot that after 5 years you should have all of them out of your yard, no new little ones hatching. So they have to be crossing back into your yard. The only other suggestion is similar to Connie's, toss them into a large trash can and haul them off the next day. What are they eating in your yard? Why your yard? Do they like doggie poo? Are they all over the yard when you first see them? Or in one area most of the time? If they seem to congregate in one spot more than any other, check out that area real close, maybe there's something going on there. Other than the local Frog Dance Club.

Oh, I don't know where you could find out any information on this but maybe there's a spray that you could use on your fence that would drive them away. A preditor smell or something like that? Sylvia
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