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Old 11-07-2006, 05:00 AM   #57
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by CardsGrl
bless ur heart hun i cant even imagine what u are going thru hun may god bless u i will keep u in my thoughts and prayers.. i would def ask that breeder for a refund or replacement dog if u had her back there he should have known that it was something other than just food...

well... u're right... but mum n my close fren say... we bought her at this amount, it's our loss that we loss her, yet we know tara has brought us much happiness to our life and family so the amount we got her it's expensive but what we gained from her affectionate is more than what we paid... this is also one of the reason i was so broke down, tara was like a baby to us.

we have no obligation if the breeder will replace nor refund... but we wont asked for the refund... if he replaced i'll pay him too.... cuz tara will never ever will be replaced... she will always be our 1st yorkie n also my 1st baby

yet this is what i have discussed with my mum and frens...but at this moment i couldn't even get hold of him... either he will not answer my call or he will says he is busy....

well.. more ever i dont know bout the breeders rules... i only had tara for 3 weeks
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