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Old 11-04-2006, 11:46 AM   #35
YT 1000 Club Member
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Originally Posted by qingleng
last night she was still ok she was playing with me.. :'( why why why.... there's no symtom at all.... she was good!!!! and she left me!!!!!!! this morning!!!!!!!!! i want her back!!!!! god!!!!

she was down with parvo.... doctor couldn't help her....

i hate the breeder now!!! y ask me to wait!!! i want to send her to the vet earlier........ why why why???????????

i hate myself i hate hate everyone now!!!!!!! y stop me from sending her to vet???? i should listen to mum!!!!! stupid me!!@#$#@%$#%^
im so sorry for your loss. breeding a silky and a yorkie is not the reason it happened they are very close breeds of dog anyway. your breeder was wrong and should of taken the pup to the vets, change of food can cause a upset tummy but with a puppy he should of only left the pup with a upset tum for one day and then taken it to the vet as even if it didnt have an illness they can get very ill quickly if they have a upset tum. now your breeder should say they are sorry and at least offer you another pup for free but i would think twice about taking it as i bet the other pups are ill with parvo to as it can be catched very easy. im so sorry
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