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Old 11-03-2006, 01:20 AM   #1
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Default Teddy's first visit to the groomer not so good!

Well, Teddy Bear is about 4 1/2 months old now and I have just been trying to take care of his grooming myself. The one thing I have NOT been able to do is trim his feet and pad area and cut his nails. He WILL NOT let me near them. I have tried treats, constant touch and everything I have read to do. I still can't get near them. I was able to cut them once right after I got while he was asleep (8 weeks old) and the vet did it once but that's all he's had in 4 1/2 months.

So, to today. I decided to take him to Petco and have them trim his feet and cut his nails only. Made sure they could do it while I waited because I didn't want to leave him there. The took him in and I watched from the other side of the glass. He was good for them and the lady was cutting away when I heard a scream and saw Teddy jump. The lady reached for the styptic powder and no matter how much she put on it wouldn't stop the bleeding. It took about 10-15 minutes to get it stopped. She brought Teddy out to me and said. "Has your vet ever said he was anemic?" I said "No, why" she says "well, I just don't know why he bled sooooo much, I only took a tiny bit from the tip" She told me that she had it stopped for now but that I should watch it closely. I paid and went to the car. Once there I tried to look at his nails but he wasn't letting me near them.

What I could see was that I could see all of the nails poking out from under the hair but one looked missing?!?! I went home, called my vet and took Teddy there right away as I just couldn't tell how bad it was. She cut that nail so low that you can hardly see it there! Poor sweetie! Vet just said watch for infection and that if it started to bleed again that I could use flour to stop it.

OMGosh, how will I ever get him to let me do this now that he has had this happen?

I have considered trying those calming sprays or pills maybe once every 2 weeks or so (if it will work) to calm him long enough for him to let me do it. I thought letting someone else do it was the answer but now I am scared to let anyone else do it.

Anyone have any tips?

Kim and Teddy
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