Thread: Biting/nipping
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Old 10-17-2006, 06:41 PM   #30
Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by Stormy
Oh and I beg to differ with you and again insist he will grow out of it. Puppies chew everything, including human hands because they suffer from teething pain. I suggest anyone spanking a Yorkie or a human baby get some serious help. Violence begets VIOLENCE !!!
Whew. I was starting to worry when I read on this site that 90% of the dogs are little monsters. I thought it was a problem with the breed. Thank goodness it's just poor training.

I'm not suggesting anything close to abuse or violence. It's called negative reinforcement and positive reinforcement. I would rather give a little reinforcement early than deal with a dog that bites me and others. I couldn't have a dog around my kids that bites all of the time. It's for the safety of the dog and others that I use the most humane and effective approach.

The Bible says "He that spareth the rod hateth his son." I agree with that. I suppose some here don't, and that's fine. I think it's unfortunate, but I appreciate your opinion. Please don't worry if you've offended me. I'm a big supporter of free speech. I think we all have the same intention of tyring to help someone train a pup to be an enjoyable companion and to enjoy all the blessings of being a dog owner. She's free to heed whatever advice she wants. I don't have a perfect dog, so maybe my approach isn't the right one. I might not have perfect kids either, but I sure do love them. It would break my heart for them to have to go through life without any dicipline or love. It's a hard life when you're a brat and I pray my kids won't ever have to experience that.

I have found that most people who are having such a problem with my advice try to reassure the original poster that it's OK because their 6 mth or 4 yr old dog still bites and it's normal. It's not normal and it's not OK. It's cruel if you ask me.
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