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Old 09-29-2006, 01:15 PM   #13
Lacy's Mom
YT 3000 Club Member
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: El Paso, Texas
Posts: 3,065

Hope your finding the answers to the problem. Please update when you can. I had a similar situation that went undiagnosed for literally years. They just kept prescribing different antibiotics. I was in the emergency room more than once. One of the times I was pregnant so they thought it was an ectopic pregnancy (tubal pregnancy) the pain was so severe.

Finally, I went to an internalist for a different problem who collected a routine urine sample and saw the white blood cells and blood in my urine. Of course, I said don't worry it's been that way for a couple of years - he was shocked the ob-gyns had let it go for this length of time - he sent me straight to a urologist and the problem was diagnosed within 30 minutes by taking a specimen directly from the bladder which was clean - my problem was called a urethra diverticulitis which is basically a little sack that balloons out from the urethra and collects urine and gets infected. The problem just kept recurring that is why no amount of antibiotics would make it better. The little sack was closed and I've never had an unclear urine sample since.
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