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Old 09-22-2006, 09:36 PM   #1
YT 500 Club Member
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Default I finally hit the jackpot!!!

I finally found food that Diesel will eat!! He really likes the Evolve chicken dog food in a can! I also bought the Innova dry food. I was shocked. I mixed Chicken Soup and the Innova together and he picked out the Innova and left the Chicken Soup. Talk about shocked!!the I separated the two foods on the plate. If he went and ate the one to the right I would turn the plate around and he would still just go for the Innova. It seems to have some really good things in it and it is not high in protein.Now maybe I can pack a pound or so on him. Does anyone else use Innova? I bought the blue bag. It was Chicken and Rice I think it what it said. I am just so glad I found something that he liked!!!

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