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Old 09-15-2006, 09:41 AM   #9
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: Jun 2006
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Posts: 212

Yorkies are expensive because they have so few puppies in a litter, it is expensive to raise a litter, the cost to start breeding is very high....the list goes on. Most breeders do not break even.

I have two little pet yorkies and they are expensive month to month. If the cost of a yorkie scares your parents, vet care would send them running. Spay/neuter surgery is pricey, what about dental care? Some yorkies require this yearly. Flea/tick/heartworm is pricey...what if you get a yorkie for free and then you run into medical problems? You could be looking at the heartbreak of a dead pup or thousands in vet bills.

My husband and I have an emergency fund JUST for vet bills, and it is a couple of thousand dollars...yorkies are dear little things...key word little! Reggie once jumped off the couch and dislocated his shoulder...$600 later...$200 later...for x-rays, meds, emerg vet bill, gas...

The sad reality is proper care for a dog is expensive and a small delicate dog is even more expensive to give them a good quality life. You could get lucky...get a free yorkie and have 0 problems but what if????

I am too looking for another yorkie, but I am looking for show quality, so I am doing TONS of research, saving more money for the emerg vet fun and then I need to save thousands to buy the yorkie, I am looking at a year minimum.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but good luck. But just think! In a few years you will graduate, get a great job and be able to afford a good quality yorkie and provide a great life for it!!! The time will go by quickly, study hard, get a job and read as much as you can on yorkie's and then you will be all set!!
Reggie and Kenzie "Every puppy should have a boy"
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