Thread: New to Yorkies
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Old 09-13-2006, 05:25 PM   #11
Bama Yorkie Mom
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hi and welcome. I have 2 yorkies, both are girls. one is kizzy, 7 months and 8 lbs. one is maggie, 3 1/2 months old, 2.4 lbs. They play great together, their doing good on their pottying but do mess up from time to time. Mine do not bark much at all. Kizzy will if she thinks she hears a strange noise. Maggie usually barks if I am talking to her or certain things I say she will bark like she is answering me. ha. She has such a small little voice. Neither of mine cry at night. They go night night every night and sleep thru the night. Kizzy usually wakes us between 7 and 8 am. sometimes 6:30. They do learn things easily. Not all dogs bark excessively, (mine do not). Not all whine when crated for the night, (mine dont). not all dogs wake up during the night crying. (mine dont). Kizzy gets pretty hyper when she and maggie or any people play fetch or tug of war with her. Maggie isnt hyper at all. So its all in the personality or maybe it has a lot to do with the way their owners live. Some people have lots of noise in their house from kids, I am like you. I am alone for about 12 hours a day except on weekends. I dont go a lot and we live in a kinda rural area with property. we have a fenced yard tho and that has really helped with the house breaking as they love playing outside. I let them out when they want out and I make them come in sometimes but usually when I open the door and tell them to come in, they do. So its up to the individual dog and owner I think as to how they act. Its kinda like raising kids. They learn your ways. JMO. goodluck.
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