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Old 09-08-2006, 04:49 PM   #45
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Max was aggressive toward a male dog who lives in our building today. He and the other dog have never really met and they were both growling at each other. Max's testes have descended and I'm wondering if that has something to do with what might be aggression beginning. He also barked at a baby who was crawling in the park. I quickly picked him up, but put him back down and watched him like a hawk because the baby was so happy to play with him. I hope he's not going to be an aggressive dog. If he is, I'll have to neuter him quickly to see if that helps. He hasn't shown any negativity toward any people yet. He's still chewing on my hands, although much less, but he will snap when I do something he hates. I get really fierce then with him. Yorkies are not calm animals as a rule, so it is my feeling that the more hyper ones, like Max, have to be watched and corrected all of the time. It's a bit tiring, but I absolutely adore him, so what can you do?


Originally Posted by CLEO & CEASAR
[F]I am not so sure... From the time we got them at three months old, as soon as they got all their shots we've taken them to dog parks, they've been around people (families, friends, strangers) and we've taken them with us almost everywhere we go. BUT... they still react in various ways to different situations...different times...
I could say Ceasar is the calmer one...on our walks...which averages to three times a would be Cleo who would react/barks to strollers, to people wearing hoods and caps, other dogs especially bigger dogs while Ceasar would just almost always ignore them...he would sometimes join in but not as often as Cleo would bark. They love kids and mostly all adults...but for some reason she would bark at an adult which I cannot really say & tell why. I always correct her when she barks...I would stop and bend down and abruptly touch her neck (not really hurting her) to let her know that barking right that time is not good. But she still does it everytime we would go for walks. This is still frustrating me. ANY HELP?
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